Friday, May 7, 2021

Used Buses For Sale | Call 516-333-7483 | How can I get private contracts for my Non-Emergency medical Transport (NEMT) business?

Many startup service providers start their operations from home and have no idea how to grow their business. All they have is a van with a wheelchair ramp or lift. NEMT services are used exclusively by aging elders and people with disabilities. Thus wherever you can find seniors and disabled citizens there you have a business opportunity. Print some pamphlets, flyers and hand them over to seniors visiting gardens or beaches during early hours in the morning. They will appreciate you reaching out to them especially if they need help visiting the doctor's office on schedule. If you can't find too many seniors or disabled people in the target location, then it's time to knock on every door at every senior center and nursing home in the area and visit every infusion and dialysis center. It may sound like a big effort but is the best way to do business. If you are providing NEMT services to an elderly person 3 blocks away from your location but have no idea about the seniors and elderly living next door or in the same building as you are, then it's a big wake-up call that your business is not on the right track. As time passes by, the population ages and more people enter the 65 plus age group. After some time they will need help attending their doctor's appointment, visiting relatives, attending friends, or for other recreational purposes. This is the time when your business should be present right in front of their eyes so that they can use the service instantly. A healthy senior today may need assistance tomorrow. Your business should be known to him so that he does not miss an appointment and you don't miss a repeat customer in the apartment next door. It may sound absurd but you have to knock on every door and track the entire neighborhood. Don’t forget websites like and either. This is how real estate agents find new clients and customers. Create a rough map of all the residential buildings in your target location with all the roads, streets, narrow lanes, and bylanes. Make a note of the number of levels and apartments each building has. Then go out knocking on every single door in the neighborhood. This is called fieldwork. This strategy can be time-consuming but will produce the biggest rewards for your startup business. Initially, it's advisable to do this yourself rather than ask team members to do it for you because when you DIY, people will come to know you personally as the face of your business. You can easily walk in and out of the building that belongs to lower-income groups. However, the buildings of higher-income groups will have security guards stationed outside to keep salesmen and strangers away. In this case, befriend the guards to act as brokers for your business and your point of contact in the building. Request them to refer any senior with mobility issues or disabled persons living in the building and give them a commission on each referral. If paid well they will volunteer proactively to act as salesmen for your NEMT business.

Once you have scoured the entire neighborhood, knocked on every door, and distributed flyers and pamphlets. Now, it's time to go beyond. Do a quick Google search for all the daycare centers, retirement homes, group homes, hospitals, clinics, dialysis centers, etc make a list with their name, address, and contact information. Some clinics and care centers might not have registered themselves on Google, thus you will not be able to find them online. Scour the entire neighborhood and scan every shop to make a list of all clinics and healthcare service providers. Request them to refer their senior patients to you for transportation service, Promise them good returns on every referral and they will be glad to oblige. Repeat this strategy with all the institutions listed above. Make a list of all your contact persons in every organization and follow up with them regularly, once every week, fortnight or every month. If you give out handsome incentives then they will never forget you even on busy days and proactively volunteer for your business.

Now set a target for yourself to make a minimum number of new broker contacts every week. Even if you get just 2 customers from every contact, it can be a goldmine because NEMT services are priced at $35 to $50 per hour. Moreover, these customers will use your services again once onboard, thus generating a steady stream of revenue for your business and recommend others. If 100 contacts can refer 2 long-term patients then plan how many patients your business needs to attend to meet your financial goals. Once the patients beging to come to rely on your company, your startup business will never fail to generate a stable income .

With the increasing number of patients, your NEMT business will need more vehicles and drivers. It's better to opt for bigger vehicles than more vehicles because every new vehicle will need a dedicated driver, staff, fuel, repairs, maintenance, etc. Though many entrepreneurs start their operations with wheelchair vans, they should know about the availability of wheelchair buses for sale for the same purpose. These buses can transport up to five or more patients in a single trip. A great boon for a growing business. New vehicles are expensive but good used counterparts are available at about half the price. Thus building the entire business with used wheelchair vans and buses for sale is a cost efficient business model.

Major Vehicle Exchange has been selling its Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Vehicles For Sale to customers and service providers across the United States for many decades. Visit our website or call the owner Charles Kaufman at 516-333-7483 today for any information about our business or the vehicles we stock.

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